Friday, June 12, 2009

Being practical or being fashionable

Today is the day when TV that use analogs services ends. I quickly turn on the TV and my TV converter is working well. Whewww! If you still haven’t gotten your TV converter box coupon of $40, here is the link. There is a deadly on the coupon and if you lose it or let it expire, you are not going to get another one from the government. It’s a one per household deal.

My husband wanted to get one of the flat panel TV ever since we were dating and into marriage. I told him no, we don’t NEED it. The big bulky TV that you have is fine. Maybe one day we’ll get a Flat Panel TV…what do they call it? LCD or something??? I know a lot of people we know already own one of these flat panel LCD TV and subscribe to Cablevision, when they found out that we have neither, they were surprised. Why so surprised about that? We simply tell them, we hardly watch TV. We usually download FREE movies online or download shows online and see them online. I still can not understand how people spend $70-$80 per month on cable. If they take that money and invest it or simply save it, what would they have now? I am always concerned about the monthly payment that one has to pay. Sometimes, they are small amounts like $30 per month or $1 per day but they add up and people don’t realize it. My husband is one of those people. I on the other hand, I don’t mind spending one big lump some on an item as long as it is practical…that it will last me a long time.

One of the examples is - I found a pair of pants that fit me really well, the price was reasonable and they had different colors. What did I do? I ended up buying 4 pairs of different colors. Well they are summer pants and the colors are professional so it was nice. I’ve been wearing them the past years (4-5) and they are still good. Just the other day, I figure I try them out if I still fit them after going thru pregnancy. And I couldn’t believe I still fit in all of them.

Another exmple: I found a nice handbag which has no labels – like Gucci, Prada, Liz and what have you. I’ve been looking for a nice handbag without labels (I don’t want to advertise for them for free) for a long time and I finally found it and they come in 2 colors. Guess what I did? I bought 2 black ones and 2 of the other color (beige like). The patterns are nice and I do not think they will go out of style that quickly – they are not those fashionable handbags that only last one season. Like I said, I go for practicality. Do I still use those bags today? Of course! There is another bag story that I have to blog about…but that’s for later.

Has anyone out there done anything like this? I don't think this is crazy because I have seen on TV there was a gentleman who buys the same pants and shirts and he wears the same thing (not the same shirt and pants) everyday of his life. He owns 7-8 identical sets of clothing. Everyday is the same thing so he doesn't have to think about what to wear today.

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