Sunday, June 28, 2009

Passion vs a job (part 3)

I’ve been going to the NY Public Library the Science, Industry, Business Library)for FREE classes that are offered to the public. It offer many courses in business research, job research, science research. I took a tour that was offer to get familiar with what is in there. Even though I’ve been there and used the service a few times in my life time but things change very quickly in there to keep up with times. I’m glad I took the tour and it did help me familiarize with resources being held in there…and a little of history of the NY Public as well.

A few of the courses that I’ve been taking in The NY Public Library involved small business research and job research. I am still in the process of working on my resume and still exploring my area of interest/passion to come up with some sort of small business (hopefully).

Multi tasking by taking care of a baby, taking classes and exploring my interest isn’t easy to manage. I don’t think focusing on one and finishing up that task and then start another one is feasible at the moment. Life is definitely too short to just work on one thing at a time.

Michael Jackson, the world icon only lived to age 50. I have a little more than 10 years to get to that age. I have to get as much done and as soon as possible. Time waits for nobody.

I think I read something from one of the books I read and it goes something like this “Do something, don’t just stand there. Indecision causes this country a lot of money. And decisiveness is one of the major qualities in a good manager,” by Lee Iacocca. These are not exact words but the idea of indecision isn’t going anywhere.

This article sums it up very much what I want to say in #4.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Blogs I follow

I’ve been reading the following financial blogs consistently. I thought it’s interesting to share with you. - this blog is on a mission to reach 2 million dollars. I’ve been reading this for more than 2 years. I was first introduced by a friend who saw his article in one of the magazines. – is a blog on being frugal. You get tips and tricks on how to be frugal. It’s actually a great blog. It’s down to earth. I don’t remember how I found it. I probably just came across it one day while searching something online. I believe I’ve been following this blog for 6 months to a year.

I guess you can say one of my passion or hobbies is find ways to retire earlier. I read financial books and blogs to get ideas from other successful people.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Passion vs a job (part 2)

As I was thinking more into my interests and hobbies last night, I remember I was in the same difficult situation when I started this blog. I didn’t know what to name the blog and what specialized topic to talk about. As you may already discover that I did not specialized in one major subject, rather, I am blog about everything in my life and life in general. Can this be the same set back in my life as shown in my blog? Is this a good comparison? Is it really a setback?

Maybe this is my journey to figure out what my passion is. I remember when I was in high school or was it in college when my English teacher was telling us that if you do not know what you want to write about, just start writing anything and then something/an idea will come up.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Passion vs a job (part 1)

I am getting ready to get back to the job market. However, I always get to this point when I know…after I find a job in my field of major in college, after a few months or approximately a year, I grew tire of it. I detest getting up early so I can go in there, earn my pay check and then just spend it all paying bills.

I’ve have read a lot of articles, books and have heard from successful people to focus on your passion, be creative and then everything will fall into place. When you work on what you love, you will not mind getting up early and working late.

Here I am brain storm on what my passion is. Forget about passion, I brain storm on what my hobbies are. I don’t have any special hobby or talent. I don’t have any special interest in any sports.

As I brain storm on my passion, hobbies and sports interest. I came up with some. Do I even call it passion or special interest? I like swimming but I am not great at it and I hate getting ready for it. I love food but I hate take a long time to prepare for it and try to remember all the ingredients that go together. Sport? I like hiking but I don’t hike much because you have to get out of the city to do so. I like walking but do you consider that a sport?

So far this is what I come up with. How can I turn my hobby/sport interest/passion into something that I can make a living is my next question.

The brain storming process will take me some time but in the mean time, I have to update my resume and sharpen my interview skills.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Being practical or being fashionable

Today is the day when TV that use analogs services ends. I quickly turn on the TV and my TV converter is working well. Whewww! If you still haven’t gotten your TV converter box coupon of $40, here is the link. There is a deadly on the coupon and if you lose it or let it expire, you are not going to get another one from the government. It’s a one per household deal.

My husband wanted to get one of the flat panel TV ever since we were dating and into marriage. I told him no, we don’t NEED it. The big bulky TV that you have is fine. Maybe one day we’ll get a Flat Panel TV…what do they call it? LCD or something??? I know a lot of people we know already own one of these flat panel LCD TV and subscribe to Cablevision, when they found out that we have neither, they were surprised. Why so surprised about that? We simply tell them, we hardly watch TV. We usually download FREE movies online or download shows online and see them online. I still can not understand how people spend $70-$80 per month on cable. If they take that money and invest it or simply save it, what would they have now? I am always concerned about the monthly payment that one has to pay. Sometimes, they are small amounts like $30 per month or $1 per day but they add up and people don’t realize it. My husband is one of those people. I on the other hand, I don’t mind spending one big lump some on an item as long as it is practical…that it will last me a long time.

One of the examples is - I found a pair of pants that fit me really well, the price was reasonable and they had different colors. What did I do? I ended up buying 4 pairs of different colors. Well they are summer pants and the colors are professional so it was nice. I’ve been wearing them the past years (4-5) and they are still good. Just the other day, I figure I try them out if I still fit them after going thru pregnancy. And I couldn’t believe I still fit in all of them.

Another exmple: I found a nice handbag which has no labels – like Gucci, Prada, Liz and what have you. I’ve been looking for a nice handbag without labels (I don’t want to advertise for them for free) for a long time and I finally found it and they come in 2 colors. Guess what I did? I bought 2 black ones and 2 of the other color (beige like). The patterns are nice and I do not think they will go out of style that quickly – they are not those fashionable handbags that only last one season. Like I said, I go for practicality. Do I still use those bags today? Of course! There is another bag story that I have to blog about…but that’s for later.

Has anyone out there done anything like this? I don't think this is crazy because I have seen on TV there was a gentleman who buys the same pants and shirts and he wears the same thing (not the same shirt and pants) everyday of his life. He owns 7-8 identical sets of clothing. Everyday is the same thing so he doesn't have to think about what to wear today.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

My indoor herb garden update

I planted at least 12 different herbs indoor from late April earlier this year. They are:

Basil lemon
Sweet marjoram

I failed on rosemary, sweet marjoram, spearmint, mint, thyme (was very small and are dying). Because I fail, I bought the herbs (rosemary, mint and thyme) from Home Depot to plant indoors at home.

I am successful in planting and harvesting the following and had in my meals.

Scallion – very tall but very young, when I cut them, they roll up, mainly for my fish dishes – they are delicious.

Parsley – very small and fine, I think they are not working very well indoors. I probably have to give up on this as well.

Basil – in my chicken dishes and they smell great.

Now that I have rosemary and thyme, I will try more recipes with those.

Monday, June 1, 2009

My little baby is growing up fast

I still remember she could not move an inch when I placed her on the couch to change her diaper. Now, she turns over even when I put her on the floor to change her diaper. She can’t keep still. She can roller over many times without getting tired. She can not lift her body and uses her elbows and knees to crawl yet. I can’t wait to film that when she does it. My little girl is very active. She stands on her feet (when you hold her) and she likes to jump up and down. She loves entertainment. And she certainly loves company whether it be watching TV or doing nothing. If she doesn’t see anyone around, she cries. Sometimes, I wonder if this is normal for children to get so much attention…would this affect her when she grows up?