Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year Resolutions

Another year is coming to an end, it’s time to look at my New Year resolutions list (in excel) and see what I have accomplished and if I have accomplish anything at all. This has been a habit of mine for the past few years. A few days before the New Year, I write down what I would like to accomplish for the New Year in spreadsheet and then work on it.

It looks like I have accomplished one of the six New Year resolutions for the year of 2009. As I recall, the more effective way of getting your new year resolution accomplish is to see the goals each and everyday so that you are not side track.

Looking back at my daily to do list, I have been spending a lot of time doing everyday stuff like cooking, cleaning/organizing, food shopping, food preparations, baby sitting, bill paying, and more bill paying.

For the New Year, I will look at my goals everyday so that I am on track of it. When I don’t keep track of my New Year resolutions, the everyday stuff gets done first because they have to be taken care of. I probably have to sleep a little less...maybe get up a little bit earlier or go to bed a little later to get some of things done so that I can accomplish my goals.

Wish you have a better year in 2010 than in 2009!

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