I can’t believe another July 4th is coming up. Last year this time, I was pregnant and my belly was getting bigger each and everyday. I was reading the “What to expect when you’re expecting” book while still working in my full-time job.
As usual this July 4th, we’ll be going to cousin’s house for a pool party. We do pot luck pool party. Since I can’t really cook yet (not for anyone to try it anyway except my husband), I will be bring fresh mixed fruit salad which I can cut and put together.
Last November, I found these 7 compartment platters in midtown Jack’s 99 cent store for a few dollars and I also found a cover that fits. So that’s what I was planning to do whenever we have family gatherings and whenever we do pot luck parties. I always love fruit salads and I think most people do. Getting a fruit salad from the supermarket or even Costco costs a fortune. For the same amount of money you paid in the supermarket or Costco, I can make 2 and have left over for myself. As of matter of fact, I’ve used it once to go to sister-in-law’s son’s birthday party and they loved it and thought it was purchased from a store. They asked me where I got the platter. And I offer to buy one for one of the sister-in-laws.
I went by the store a few times and they do not have the lid for the smaller platter (that’s what my sister-in-law wants). I even asked the sales lady that works there and she said there is no cover for that. I told her I was there last November (I scanned my receipt) and they did have it. She kept telling me no, there aren’t any covers for that. And then I showed her the bigger platter has this lid. And she said that lid is for another container/platter. Well, that lid did fit that other platter but also fits the 7 compartment platter as well. I don’t know if she doesn’t know what she was talking about or did I mixed the lids. I’ll just have to come by every once in a while to check for the lid. I seriously think because of the summer season, all the lids are gone. They might restock it later when the season is over.
What do you do on July 4th?
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