Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sewing Projects

It’s been a while since I last updated my blog. I’ve been busy working on sewing projects which I found myself passionate about. It’s been hot and humid and sometimes have some nice weather in between, we did have some family outings. With a toddler, time is a very limited resource.

As I said, I found myself passionate about sewing. Well, it’s not just any sewing project. There have been things that needed to be fix around the house for a while. I did not have a sewing machine at home at the time so everything have to taken over to my parents place to be fixed because they have an industrial sewing machine at home. With a toddler, I don’t have the time to go there. Plus, their place is not child proof. It makes these projects forever not able to do.

Hence, we invested on a basic home sewing machine. With my lack of knowledge on different fabrics, I’ve been reading clothing labels and feel the different fabrics before buying any for my projects. I spend a few hours one day in Joann’s fabric store just to look through the different fabrics.

I’ll share some of my finish projects later.

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