Thursday, August 26, 2010

Here are 2 of my sewing projects

A sling to carry stainless steel water bottles with sports cap. I think this is a 25 or 27 oz bottle. This is actually my second project. My first project was an apron. I'll post that later.

I purchased a yard of polyester fabric and cut into smaller than normal size napkins. I have some 9" x 9" and some 8"x8" and maybe some 10"x9" because I cut them by scissor and not by rotary cutter. It's more manageable to hand wash with smaller napkins.

The orange napkin is the orange napkins which I purchased in Century 21 Department store a while back and they were too big (20"x20") so I cut into quarters and make 4 napkins out of one large one. It's a lot more manageable to hand wash. They are about 8"x8" to 9"x9". They do not look like you buy them in stores but they do the job at home.

More project pictures to come later.

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