Monday, August 30, 2010

more sewing projects - aprons and bookends

This was my first sewing project. I made an apron for myself by coping the pattern from an old apron using the fabric from the sheet set. It turned out not bad. I later, used another old sheet to make an apron for my toddler.

Bookends I made out of random left over fabrics from my parents. I got the patterns from a book that I took out from the library. I already returned the book to the library so I do not know the title of the book. It's something "25 projects..." The bookends are filled with rice. There were stencils of a happy face and a face with touge sticking out. I didn't do the stencils because I don't have the tools to make them and I don't want to invest too much on it. Thus they are plain. They do look cute with ears. Good enough for me.

I also made some window draft dodgers and a door draft dodger as well. They are not filled because I do not have enough rice. I will fill them up before we need them in the winter.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Here are 2 of my sewing projects

A sling to carry stainless steel water bottles with sports cap. I think this is a 25 or 27 oz bottle. This is actually my second project. My first project was an apron. I'll post that later.

I purchased a yard of polyester fabric and cut into smaller than normal size napkins. I have some 9" x 9" and some 8"x8" and maybe some 10"x9" because I cut them by scissor and not by rotary cutter. It's more manageable to hand wash with smaller napkins.

The orange napkin is the orange napkins which I purchased in Century 21 Department store a while back and they were too big (20"x20") so I cut into quarters and make 4 napkins out of one large one. It's a lot more manageable to hand wash. They are about 8"x8" to 9"x9". They do not look like you buy them in stores but they do the job at home.

More project pictures to come later.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sewing Projects

It’s been a while since I last updated my blog. I’ve been busy working on sewing projects which I found myself passionate about. It’s been hot and humid and sometimes have some nice weather in between, we did have some family outings. With a toddler, time is a very limited resource.

As I said, I found myself passionate about sewing. Well, it’s not just any sewing project. There have been things that needed to be fix around the house for a while. I did not have a sewing machine at home at the time so everything have to taken over to my parents place to be fixed because they have an industrial sewing machine at home. With a toddler, I don’t have the time to go there. Plus, their place is not child proof. It makes these projects forever not able to do.

Hence, we invested on a basic home sewing machine. With my lack of knowledge on different fabrics, I’ve been reading clothing labels and feel the different fabrics before buying any for my projects. I spend a few hours one day in Joann’s fabric store just to look through the different fabrics.

I’ll share some of my finish projects later.