Saturday, May 2, 2009

First attempt to make my own salad dressing

I’ve been wanted to make my own salad dressing for a while. And the past 2 days’ weather had been pretty hot, I figure now is the time to start. So I finally got a chance to go to Costco to pick up the extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar to make my own salad dressing. Italian dressing is my favorite.

For my first attempt, I didn’t want to waste too much ingredients so I only had lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers in my salad. I normally would put some grill chicken, flower seeds, carrots, eggs, red onion etc…

For the dressing, I know I had a simple recipe from Martha Stewart’s show but I didn’t remember where I kept it. Was it in my hard drive or did I keep it in my binder? Anyhow, I checked through my recipe binder and couldn’t find it. I was getting hungry so I got this project going and just used my imagination on the proportions.

I know Martha Stewart's simple dressing includes olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper, but not sure how much of each. I added fresh parsley and fresh garlic into the blender and blend all ingredients together.

I think I added too much garlic and parsley. The taste of garlic certainly did empower everything else. It did not taste sour like the way normal Italian dressing taste at all.

It wasn’t a very good attempt but I think I will do a much better job next time. Until I perfected the portions, then I will make a larger jar and keep it refrigerator. Cleaning up the blender isn’t fun!

My husband asked “Isn’t it easier just to buy one?” I told him, “yes, definitely, but I want to learn to make one and I want to know what I put into it. I know some of the dressings have a lot of sugar in it. If I make it myself, I know how much I put in or prefer not to put sugar in the dressing.”

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