Monday, March 22, 2010

Playing the roles of a mother, wife and a homemaker

My parents used to work late till 7pm. They got home around 8pm and then they would start cooking for dinner for all (5) of us. We always have late dinners and after we eat, we stay up a little while and off to bed.

I don’t know how my mother used to do it. She worked 6 (sometimes 7) days a week and when she got home she still had to prepare food for us. I got spoiled that’s why I never learned to cook on my own.

Now that I have my own family, I am not working but I am not able to do half of what she used to do.

Right now, I stay home full time with my 1 year old toddler, I can’t seem to manage to take care of a toddler and cook some decent food for us (and maybe lunch for my husband to take to work).

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