Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I am pregnant with our second child. This pregnancy sure is a lot more worse than the first. In comparison, this pregnancy made me very sick for a few months – threw up, couldn’t digest my food and heart burns, and my taste bud was very very sensitive. I’m just glad those first few months are over.

My husband and I can’t believe we will be going thru this all over. The sleepless nights for many months and the doctor visits for vaccines. We couldn’t help but wonder if our first child will hate the new baby and how would she reacts to the new baby.

Have 2 children meaning a lot more expenses. One good thing is the new baby will be able to use the same clothes that her sibling used. Money that will spend on formula and diapers are avoidable.

What does this mean to our retirement? We do not think we’ll be able to retire at the normal retirement age since we have our children in our mid 30s to early 40s. I’ll discuss more on that.

I can’t believe I’ve been writing this blog for almost 2 years. The update is getting less and less often. It really has to do with time and topics.