Wednesday, May 12, 2010

International Students vs us – two different worlds

One day I was lying in bed with my toddler and I remember those good old days in college. I remember I used to work part-time and went to school full-time. I had no time for dating. Then there were students who always have so much time for fun and didn’t have to work.

Those were students that came from family that give them everything. They didn’t have to work part-time like I did. They always seem to have so much fun. They shop and dressed nice. They date and always have a boyfriend or girlfriend.

Oh those good old days!

They were international students whom have parents own hotels or businesses overseas and wrote them checks to pay for their rent, school, food and clothing. And on spring break or summer vacation, they always have plans to go somewhere.

Boy, what a different world we lived in.

So my friend and I was talking one day over the phone about one of her co-worker or ex-co-worker who didn’t have to worry about how much rent they are paying because her parents bought a place for her. My friend and I just working to make ends meet.

What a different world we live in.

After realizing we are living in two different worlds, we both sighed and move on with life!